Welcome to St Raphael’s Catholic School

At St Raphael’s, we aSPIRE to foster the holistic development of every student from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Our nurturing and enriching environment goes beyond academics. We believe in the importance of addressing all aspects of a student's wellbeing, from spiritual growth to emotional resilience.

Spiritual Enrichment lies at the core of our values, encouraging students to lead meaningful lives and mindfully savour the present moment. Through reflective practices and values-based education, we guide students on a path of self-discovery and spiritual awareness.

Physical Wellness is another foundation of our approach, where we not only cater to the body through physical activities and health education but also emphasise the mind-body connection. Encouraging students to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on overall wellbeing.

Intellectual Engagement is fostered through a curriculum designed to engage students in deep learning experiences while remaining open to new ideas and challenges. Our dedicated and experienced teachers provide a stimulating environment that encourages critical thinking and creativity, preparing students for their future career or tertiary pathway.

Relational Growth is essential in building a supportive community where students can develop constructive relationships with themselves and others. We prioritise social-emotional learning, conflict resolution skills, and empathy to create a positive and inclusive school culture.

Emotional Resilience is cultivated through acknowledging and embracing all emotions, guiding students towards resilience and positivity. Our comprehensive wellbeing support ensures that students have the resources and guidance needed to navigate the ups and downs of adolescence with strength and grace.

Our students are not just learners; they are part of a close community where continuous relationships and belonging are at the forefront. We work collaboratively with families to create an educational experience that celebrates our Catholic faith, instils our core values, and empowers every student to achieve their full potential. 

We encourage you to visit St Raphael’s to witness firsthand the unique blend of strength and gentleness that defines our school, dedicated to your child’s growth and development.